Lost in the Real Estate Crowd?


Everyone Recommends

Engage Deeply, Build Trust & Secure Referrals Effortlessly!


This is a Membership... NOT a Course

This is NOT about giving you some ideas that sound good IF you ever manage to implement them.

THIS is about creating a strategy and a lifestyle that go hand-in-hand with your personal strengths and your desire to give to and support others, combined with the support YOU need to create and maintain that strategy and lifestyle.

  • Replace, "I don't have enough time"

with, "I have time to do everything that's important to me and my business".

  • Replace, "I don't have the energy"

with, "I have energy that lasts throughout the day, every day, and I accomplish everything on my list consistently".

  • Replace, "I can't keep myself focused"

with, "My focus is solid, consistent, and strategic and creates results I can count on".

  • Replace, "I can't keep myself organized"

with, "I am organized and efficient and manage every aspect of my life and business with ease".

When You're the Legendary Agent in Your Local Marketplace, the Leads Come to You...

Imagine receiving text messages and phone calls from the people you absolutely love to show up for and serve with referral after referral- people ready to buy and/or sell a home.

When you're the agent everyone knows, you're the agent everyone calls. That's what it means to be the local legend.

So how do you become the legendary agent everyone wants to know?

  • Leave the "secret agent" status behind

No more "secret agent"! It's time to leave the fears behind and let people see what you do and why you do it. Don't worry... we're going to do this in a way that feels really natural to you and not ever salesy or pitchy.

  • Get connected with a bigger purpose

You're in this business because you care about people and you love leading with a servant's heart. We're going to identify your unique purpose for serving others and maximize your impact in your passion community.

  • Align your purpose with your business strategy

Your positive impact will become the central focus of your business strategy and by learning how to create shareable content around your purpose for serving others, you'll become the local legend agent that everyone knows, loves, and trusts.

  • Remove all blocks to taking actions

It's one thing to know WHAT to do and another thing to take action and DO IT. Together, we'll address every block and fear that shows up, every single thing that stands in the way of you having the time and energy, and we'll ensure that THIS time is different... that THIS time, you take each and every action necessary to become the local legend you know you're meant to be.


As an Agent, Your Business Depends Upon Your Ability to Take Consistent, Focused, Strategic Action

Stop wasting time trying to implement actions that don't align with your strengths and purpose. Taking yourself out of alignment with your natural flow is what creates chaos, disorganization, stress, and overwhelm.

When you align your strategy with your purpose, you step into your natural flow and achieve more using focused intention that feels amazing, keeps your energy levels high, and allows you to consistently take action that creates real results.


Find Your Focus

We'll identify your unique purpose and focus that perfectly aligns with your inherent strengths.

Set Your Strategy

We'll apply your strengths & purpose to a real estate business strategy designed to make you a local legend.

Organize Your Efforts

We'll release the things you think you "should" do for the focused actions and strategic funnels that feel good AND create real results.

Curate Your Energy

We'll identify what drains you and what fills you and create a daily plan to fill your energetic cup.

Allocate Your Time

You'll do less and achieve more by taking the RIGHT actions consistently. We'll create the calendar structure and blocks that work best for you.

Create Consistent Results

We'll build the content creation plan that helps you achieve local legendary status and turns your unique passion community into your personal referral network.



After being coached by Angela for over 2 years, my business has expanded beyond anything I could have imagined possible on my own. She has helped me change my money mindset that was holding me back, and to set goals with a plan to achieve them. Her patient demeanor never makes me feel like I’m complaining and she always steers me back to a positive and productive conversation. She is incredibly insightful, reliable, trustworthy and creative. She offers me a fresh perspective, often shedding a positive light on a situation I perceived as negative. She’s my biggest cheerleader and the first person I want to contact with exciting news. She’s essentially my Chief Advisor, and I can’t imagine running my business without her!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lindsay Hunter


Working with Angela has been pivotal for my business. Unlike other coaching programs that are purely transactional, Angela focuses on what business is all about: Relationships. She has the ability to cut through all of the excuses and really focus on what the root of a problem may be. She digs deep into the personal issues I believed I had a handle on, or convinced myself they weren’t important. She shines the light so I can see just how much of an impact all of those emotions I was ignoring have on every other aspect of my life. Since working with her I’ve had huge personal growth, a big shift in my business, and a deeper meaning to why I go to work everyday. I am managing to balance work, life, marriage, kids and myself.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Mattie Mackiewicz


When I first started coaching with Angela I was a mess. I thought I had it together but was far from it! I have been an agent for 17 years and didn’t think there was a coach out there that could help me get from where I was to where I wanted to be. But after one conversation, I knew she was the coach for me! She has not only helped me with my business but with my personal life as well. I have a different approach to life in general, one where I am living the life I have always dreamed of living! One without doubts and fears. One where I am connected to my soul and aware of what is going on with my business and my personal life. I am very excited to see what the future brings but one thing is for use, it will have Angela in it! If you are considering her for your coach, give yourself the gift and have the first call!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Dawn Loding

Your Local Legend Plan



Everything you need to build your Legendary Agent status in your local market with your passion community.

  • Weekly group accountability calls to keep you moving forward

  • Live experiential workshops each month

  • WhatsApp group for Q&A + daily action prompts

  • New monthly content drops to keep you building and creating

  • Access to purchase 1:1 sessions at a steeply discounted rate


What's This About 1:1 Sessions?

You will be given the ability to add a monthly one hour 1:1 coaching session with Angela in your checkout when you join for an extra $157/monthly, however if you wish to add extra sessions beyond that, you will be able to purchase them as-needed at a cost of $157 each, her schedule permitting.

Is It Easy To Get Support If Its Needed?

You will always be able to reach Angela via phone. The WhatsApp group will make it easy to ask questions for/relative to the group but you can also send Angela messages privately through regular text or WhatsApp.

What Is Local Agent Legend?

Local Agent Legend is a membership program designed to help agents build the marketing strategy and supportive lifestyle habits that will help them generate a consistent flow of leads by connecting with the people who they truly want to serve as part of their passion community. By addressing both the strategy itself and the blocks to taking action on that strategy, we are creating not only a system of lead generation that will build on itself over time but also healthy habits and emotional wellness that will support the agent in taking the consistent actions to build and grow their business.

Who Is Angela And Why Should I Work With Her?

Angela Kristen Taylor is the founder of Integrative Productivity: a method of productivity that's based on the concept that our productivity is rooted in our emotions. She's been in real estate for 30 years and has been coaching and consulting in the real estate industry for over 20 years. She maintains two health coaching certifications, a life coaching certification, a spiritual healer certification, a meditation trainer certification, a crisis counselor certification, and has been licensed in real estate in three different states. She has also been a speaker at local, regional, and national levels since 2004, has been featured in real estate magazines, is a frequent podcast guest, and the host of the Productive Flow podcast. She is a known expert on what stops agents from taking action and being successful and how to help agents become their most successful selves, working from the inside out.

Can Someone Get In Touch With Me To Tell Me How It Works In More Detail?

If you have questions, please schedule a call at http://productiveflow.as.me/hello

Notice The Difference...

Most people selling programs to agents, sell information, not transformation. When you choose to become a Local Agent Legend, not only are you choosing to do business in a way that rewards you for serving others, but you're also choosing to heal the internal blocks to your success. In this program, we work on both together, helping you create the consistency and longevity that will reward you for years to come.

© 2023 Master Agent Life, LLC - All Rights Reserved